Eco-Friendly Technology Trends in 2016


eco-friendly technology trendsTechnology is constantly adapting to keep up with consumer demands. And as our climate also continues to transform, it is important to consider the impact this new technology will have on our environment. The past few years have been an exciting time for technological advances, and 2016 will be no different. In particular, here are 3 eco-friendly technology trends that actually have the power to positively change the climates and ecosystems around us.

Drones for Climate Change

From awe-inspiring photography to delivering pizzas, drones have been used for a wide variety of purposes. Drone technology is nothing new, but the ways in which it is being used are. Perhaps most noteworthy is the potential they have as a tool for conservation efforts. For example, drones are currently being used to protect endangered species, to track sea ice decline in the Arctic and to monitor and assist in agricultural operations. The easy maneuvering, the eye-in-the-sky advantage and the reduced cost of labor are all attractive drone qualities. And the possibilities are really endless right now. In the future, drones are hoped to help bring relief during droughts and even plant entire forests.

3D Printed Ecosystems

It is an exciting time for 3D printing technology. As these printers become more advanced, the environment saving possibilities they offer become more impressive. In fact, 3D printing has already made an impact in certain ecosystems. 3D printed artificial reefs are bringing aquatic life back to areas that have been in a dramatic decline for years. 3D printers do not create any waste with the additive manufacturing method, and can also use recycled waste to make filament for printing. The future of 3D printing is just as bright. Soon, printers could provide temporary housing for those living in areas that have been devastated by natural disasters. The ability to print materials when and where needed is going to dramatically improve our ability to withstand natural disasters, and can overall increase energy efficiency when compared to tradition manufacturing methods.

Eco-Friendly Appliances

Being able to control your thermostat, lights and security system from your smart phone has already helped to keep homes super energy efficient and cut costs for many homeowners. But, this is just the start. In a matter of years, virtually every appliance in your home will be offered in a “smart” option. These appliances will be loaded with technology that is going to be able to make the best decisions (without any assistance) for energy efficiency, saving you time and money.

What trends are you looking forward to watching develop this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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